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Object List

Dagger: This handy item is usually the first item players pick up. Its main use is to cut ropes, although it can also be a lethal weapon in the right hands. You can't kill most creatures with it, but it can come in handy if you think dragon tongue is tasty. Don't click it on a random spot on the screen, because Graham might throw the dagger and you'll lose both the dagger and some points. It can be found by pushing away the rock in the clearing west of the castle.

Pebbles: If you are bored you can always kill time by tossing pebbles at things. Unfortunately, it's very unlikely you'll kill anything else with them unless you have a slingshot to shoot them with. If you click the pebbles on a random spot, Graham will usually toss a pebble at that spot. Don't worry if you run out of pebbles (you can carry 5 of them at a time). You can always get more at the lake two screens west of the castle.

Carrot: These tasty, crispy vegetables are good for your health. That's likely what your mom always told you. The game doesn't really go out of its way to make that clear to players, as you lose 2 points every time you eat one (which is also the amount of points you get if you pick a new one). Graham is not the only one in Daventry who enjoys tasty carrots; goats are quite fond of them too. You can always get new carrots from the garden if you eat one or give it away, but you can only carry one at a time. The garden is directly north of the castle and east of the big oak tree.

Bucket: Useful to carry around liquids. You can fill a bucket with water at every lake you come across. Useful if you're thirsty or if you want to splash someone. In some cases the other will beat a hasty retreat (dragon, elf) while others don't seem to mind (rats for instance). You can get it from the well three screens east and one screen north of the castle. Just cut the rope and Graham will take the bucket automatically.

Bowl: This precious, little item is magical. It's kind of strange someone leaves it in the middle of the woods. If the magic word inscribed on the bottom is spoken, the bowl will automatically fill itself with delicious stew and one only needs to say the word again to get a free refill. It can be found in the clearing two screens north of the western part of the carrot garden.

Four-leaf clover: It is said four-leaf clovers bring good luck. This certainly seems to be the case if others believe this as well. If you ever get cross with a bunch of leprechauns, this little good luck charm can mean the difference between free passage and a life-long job as potato peeler. It can be found in the clover patch northeast of the eastern part of the carrot garden.

Fiddle: According to the game, this is the most treasured thing the woodcutter has (I wonder how he feels about his wife, if that's the case). The woodcutter will be happy to give it to you if you do him a little favor as well. You can usually play a little tune whenever and wherever you like, but unless there are music lovers nearby, you won't get any points for it.

Cheese: Why would a man-eating witch who lives in a house of candy have Swiss cheese in her cupboard? Maybe even witches need to watch their health every now and then. The piece of cheese is a tasty item to have, but it is not recommended eating it yourself. It's a better idea to save it for creatures that are hungrier than you are (and I'm not talking about the woodcutter).

Note: Another item that's found in the gingerbread house. It contains a hint that will help you guess the name of the gnome. It remains a mystery why the witch would want to bother with such matters. Perhaps she wants to have an alternative way of getting to Cloudland in case her broom gets defunct.

Key: This key is the item you get if you don't guess the gnome's name. Finding a locked door to use it on shouldn't be too hard. Even though getting the key is kind of a “punishment” (point-wise), reaching Cloudland this way is not nearly as hard as going there the alternative way.

Beans: These magical beans are your “reward” for guessing the name of the gnome. The gnome says it's up to you to find out why they're so special. Gee, what can one do with beans? Well, you can eat them, but you'll just condemn yourself to roam Daventry for eternity without ever beating the game (you lose points too, but that's a minor issue). The other thing you can do is plant them to summon the almighty beanstalk from hell. After dropping down a million and one times, you'll be wishing you ate them.

Slingshot: Hidden in one of the trees in Cloudland is this special giant-proof slingshot. You can toy around with it whenever you want, but you can beat the game without having to use it even once. If you tried tiring out the giant a few times but got squashed anyway, you might want to pay him back with this nifty little weapon (and shrug about the fact you get less points for it). Be sure to bring some ammo though.

Mushroom: For the biggest part of the game, this little mushroom will simply taunt you from its place on the other side of the river. Eventually you'll end up on the other side of the river, although it's still easy to miss this item if you don't know you can actually leave the screen where you were dropped off by the condor. This object is crucial to beating the game, as it will allow you to escape the land of the leprechauns (for a split-second or two).

Optional Treasures

Listed below are all the things you can find to get points and bribe certain characters.

Golden egg: This shiny egg can be found in a nest on a branch of the big oak. It may be a little tricky getting to the nest without falling down the tree, but since falling down doesn't kill you, you'll get it eventually.

Golden walnut: This thing doesn't look valuable until you actually open it. It can be found among the ordinary walnuts at the foot of the walnut tree. Too bad there's only one.

Pouch with diamonds: This treasure is hidden inside an old stump near the lake (three screens east of the castle). Make sure you click the hand on the right part of the stump to get it and take a look inside the stump first. Like the walnut, you'll get some additional points for opening this item.

Scepter: By the time you get this, there's nobody left to bribe anymore. Still, it gets you some extra points. But unless you make a musical entrance into the realm of the leprechauns, the king will simply take it with him.

Magic ring: This ring is one of the most useful items in the game. It's given to you by a little elf near the lake north of the western part of the carrot garden if you talk to him. Like the other treasures, you can use this item to bribe the troll or the rat, but it's not recommended. It's the key to find a certain Easter egg in the game and it can save your skin (or your belongings) when attacked by nasty creatures. You'll turn invisible whenever you use it and the spell remains active until you touch water, jump, fall, enter the gingerbread house or until the ring's supply of magic power is drained. You can turn on/turn off the ring whenever you want, but be aware of the fact that the total power supply of the ring is only enough for a minute of invisibility (the duration is actually dependant on the game speed, but since the speed setting also influences your walking speed, you won't get any advantages raising or lowering the game speed). Your actions will be slightly limited by invisibility and certain creatures who can smell well or have a magical nature won't be fooled, but the effect is still useful nevertheless. After the ring's supply of magic power is drained, it will vanish. You won't lose any points when the ring disappears though.

Protection spell: This isn't really an item, since you don't carry it in your inventory, but you DO keep it around for a while. You get it from your fairy godmother who resides east of the carrot garden. From the moment it is cast on you, you'll have about a minute or so to get near dangerous creatures without having to worry about getting killed. The spell will either prevent creatures from appearing altogether or will simply ward them off (this includes the dragon, giant and witch while she's in her house). It's much more effective than the ring protection-wise, but since you can't turn it on or off to conserve power, you'll have to be quick to make use of it. Oh yes, and the game is programmed to deactivate the spell as soon as you get near the rat, so don't bother trying to make it there.

Great Treasures

In order to beat the game, you MUST have these three items in your inventory (so be careful around dwarves and don't give them away).

Magic mirror: This one is the easiest to get. It's hidden in the caves below the well and it's guarded by a big dragon. The magic mirror foretells the future and can show things very far away. This treasure actually plays an important role throughout the King's Quest series.

Magic chest: I wonder how Daventry's economy will fare with this treasure recovered. The biggest challenge in getting it involves getting to Cloudland in the first place. Good luck.

Magic shield: The magic shield protects the bearer from all mortal harm, although you can still die when falling into the moat. (Are those serpents in there immortal?) It acts as a protection spell of some sort while you are carrying it, but since the game is almost over by the time you get it, it's not as useful as it could have been (in the original KQ, you could get this one first and the witch or giant would never be able to kill you). It's kept in the throne room of the leprechaun king.

agd_kingsquest1/objects.1404417897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/02 23:47 (external edit)