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Random Hazards

There are a number of dangerous creatures lurking in certain parts of Daventry. There is no real way to get rid of them. The best thing you can do is avoid the areas where they hang around or quickly run away when you are attacked.

The sorcerer: This spellcaster isn't an immediate threat, as he can't kill you. If you allow the sorcerer to get close enough, he'll cast a spell on you that will freeze you on the spot. Until the spell wears off (it usually takes about 20 seconds) you'll be vulnerable to other creatures that might show up. The sorcerer doesn't really move very fast, but the invisibility ring won't fool him. He appears in the dark forest east of the gingerbread house, the gloomy clearing south of the place where you can find the dagger and the gloomy clearing north of the walnut tree. Note that the sorcerer won't appear if the goat is with you (maybe he's allergic to goats).

The witch: The witch will swoop down and grab Graham if she can catch him. If she gets Graham, she'll take him to her cottage and turn him into a Graham cracker (pretty funny to watch). The witch moves quite fast, but she's rather easy to avoid. She won't be able to catch you if you're invisible, but you can also click the hand on Graham to make him duck. The witch won't be able to catch Graham that way. If she can't get him after three swoops, she'll give up and leave. She appears in the dark forest south of her house and comes after you even if the goat is with you. If you push her into her cauldron, she won't show up in this screen of course.

The ogre: This nasty monster shows up with a mighty roar and crushes your head if he can get his hands on it. (That's gotta hurt!) The ring of invisibility can fool him, but he'll stay around until you leave the screen or the spell of the ring wears off. You don't really need to use the ring to get away from him though, as he doesn't move very fast. You can encounter him in the same spots where you can find the sorcerer. Like the sorcerer, he won't show up if the goat is with you (maybe he's afraid the goat doesn't know the difference between ogres and trolls).

The dwarf: This pesky little fellow can't kill you, but he can steal certain items from you. If you're lucky he doesn't steal anything or you'll just lose some points because a minor treasure was stolen. If not, he'll get away with the magic mirror or chest and that's basically the same situation as getting killed since it's not possible to finish the game without those items. The ring of invisibility can scare him away if you use it, which is a good thing since he moves very fast and especially on the walkway, it's nearly impossible to get away from him in time. He dwells in the area where you can also meet the sorcerer and the ogre and like the other enemies in those areas, he'll keep out of your way if you're traveling with the goat. In addition to this, he also appears in the dark passageway to Cloudland every now and then. Since he always enters the screen from one of the dark tunnels in the second or third screen of the cavern, it's wise to walk past these areas while wearing your magic ring.

The wolf: Likely the most dangerous creature. He moves very fast, kills you if he gets close and can't be fooled by the ring of invisibility. He'll attack you even if the goat is with you. Fortunately, he only appears in the clearing east of the well.

agd_kingsquest1/hazards.1404419138.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/04/02 23:47 (external edit)