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Character List
The following list describes the characters you come across during your adventures in Kolyma. Since it also mentions if each character made an appearance in the original King’s Quest II, this is also a comparison guide of sorts. This list may contain spoilers and is not to be read by people who haven't beaten the game yet, as it may ruin your fun.
Character: Angelina Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Quite different from the original. Description: The owner of the antique shop already appeared in the original as the stereotypical little old lady whose only companion in life was a nightingale named Precious. When dealing with her at first, the player is given the impression that not much has changed. Angelina's role is altered quite a bit in the remake however.
Character: Big Bad Wolf Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Hard to define. The same as in the original and yet very different. Description: In the original, he randomly took grandma's place in bed and if you entered the cottage while he was there, you were wise to get the heck out of there. In the VGA-version, he'll appear there as well although most players might never meet him in the cottage. (Simply because you don't need to go there while he's inside)
Character: Cloud Spirit Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: This wise spirit resides high in the air and has the ability to judge the worthiness of those who appear before him. The tests he gives you will certainly be very interesting for those who played certain other King’s Quest games. If you are judged worthy, he will entrust you with the Growth Gem of Air. He only appears in AGDI's version of the game.
Character: Cloud Tests Characters Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: These characters appear in the visions Graham receives while the Cloud Spirit is testing him.
King Edward the Benevolent: The ruler of Daventry during the first King's Quest. Graham's predecessor, still young during the vision, tests Graham's courage and honour during an unfortunate accident in the carrot garden behind Castle Daventry. He also makes a cameo during the wedding near the end.
Malvolio: It seems Graham's pal he grew up together with is named after a “bad guy” in a play by Shakespeare. How close the bond between Mal and Graham is will be determined by the player…
The Father: The big bad guy in Romancing the Stones also plays an important role during the cloud tests. Graham has a difficult decision to make as The Father offers him a deal: his family for his crown… The player will have to determine the wisest decision.
Connor MacLyrr: Mask of Eternity's protagonist is probably the last guy you'd expect to appear in the second part of the series, but he's there and presents another choice for Graham. Connor earned his title as first knight, but being the protector of the mask, he may not be around when Daventry needs him most. Connor believes that he can attend to both responsibilities, but the final word will be spoken by the player…
?: OK, I lied. THIS one's even more unlikely to appear in the King’s Quest II remake. It's more wretched than a dragon, more woeful than a tri-horned, scaled beast and does a better job at getting under your skin than the notorious flesh-burrowing scorpion does. Will Graham be able to get even with the most insidious and elusive of preys? Only time will tell…
Character: Count Dracula / Caldaur Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Couldn't have been altered more. Description: There has always been a big debate on the issue whether including Bram Stoker's Count Dracula in the game was plagiarism or not. You were supposed to visit his castle in order to get the final key, but you didn't need to defeat him in order to get it. All you had to do was to make sure he didn't kill you if you were to run into him. (You could simply keep running from him until he no longer appeared in the hallway) It was never clear if Dracula's title was of any significance in the realm of Kolyma. If the player chose to go for the perfect score, the game would require some more “interaction” with the Count. (In the form of killing him in his sleep with a hammer and stake) The new Count is anything but a monster that attacks at random. Instead, he's one of the most developed characters in the game with many sides. (Live through his bad side and you might get a chance to witness his good side) He can be a big pain in the neck if you don't deal with him correctly.
Character: Door of Destiny Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Became an actual character with a history rather than an object. Description: This mysterious door is actually an ancient being who was imprisoned in a mountain by his fellow “Ancients” because he abused his power. The only way for him to find rest is to learn about the balance of nature and the order of life and in order to do so he needs to obtain the gems of nature, which were created for that very purpose. In the original, there were actually three “ordinary” doors standing in the middle of nowhere. Each of these doors had an inscription with clues on how to find the golden key needed to unlock it.
Character: Dwarf Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Role hasn't been altered, but his original role has been expanded. Description: This sneaky little pest is the same dwarf who already roamed Daventry's countryside in King’s Quest I. In the original King’s Quest II, he was a random monster of some sort. He appeared in certain places and stole stuff from you. In the remake, he has become an even bigger pest than he was before.
Character: Enchanter Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Role hasn't been altered, but his original role has been expanded. Description: This evil sorcerer is not the same person who appeared in King’s Quest I (as King’s Quest I's sorcerer is in the audience at the endgame). He's even more dangerous. Like he did in the original King’s Quest II, he appears in certain screens as a random “monster” and turns Graham into an animal if he catches him. Of course, if the dwarf can have a cozy home to return to after a long and hard day of giving others a hard time, so can this guy.
Character: Fairy Present in original: yes Present in RTS: no Role: n/a Description: This little fairy took the place of the Fairy Godmother from King’s Quest I in the EGA-version of King’s Quest II. She appeared near the monastery and protected Graham from random monsters by sprinkling fairy dust on him. Other than that, she didn't have any significance puzzle-wise and never made it into the remake.
Character: Father Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: The infamous black cloak society is led by a mysterious being known as “The Father”. His true identity is unknown, but he's well informed about what's going on in Daventry. He's looking for a certain something to become powerful beyond imagination and in order for him to obtain it, Graham must die. The only other thing that's known about him is the fact that he's already more than thousand years old. Since this vile being is part of the King’s Quest II remake's new plot, you didn't have to worry about him in the original.
Character: Ferryman Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Hardly changed at all. Description: People who played the original version of King’s Quest II will surely remember the shrouded fiend in the boat. In the VGA-version you'll learn that he was once a human who ferried people across the lake; the very lake he died in. His role hasn't changed much except for the fact that he's smarter now. He will no longer be fooled by a simple thing like a ruby ring and a cloak.
Character: Genie Present in original: yes Present in RTS: sort of Role: Doesn't really appear in RTS, but he's noted (literally) nevertheless. Description: When you rubbed the magic lamp in the original King’s Quest II, a genie would appear and give you a magical item. Before poofing away with the lamp, he would bestow a magic carpet, a sword and a bridle on you. Prepare for a disappointment when you rub the magic lamp in the remake. There's no longer a genie inside. (His previous master freed him with his last wish) At least he was kind enough to leave a note with a hint that will eventually lead to one of the treasures he was supposed to give you. Both the fact that the genie has been freed already and the fact that his name is an anagram of Robin Williams hint at the fact that the lamp's former inhabitant was indeed the blue genie from Disney's Aladdin.
Character: Gervain Present in original: not in the game, but was mentioned in the background story Present in RTS: yes Role: Quite different from the original. Description: Gervain is Graham's Prime Minister and chief of security. He runs the show in Daventry while Graham is off questing. Gervain was mentioned in the background story in the manual of the original game, but never appeared in the original game itself.
Character: Ghosts Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Different from the original. They have a history instead of being mere obstacles. Description: Two floating specters guarded the door of the castle in the original version of King’s Quest II. I always wondered whether or not Sierra ever paid royalties to Michael Jackson for the use of the Thriller-tune. At that time, they were warded off by either the cloak or the cross. The cloak can repel them at first, but you'd better come up with another strategy as soon as you encounter them again. They're no longer nameless, floating sheets, by the way. While they still play a fairly modest part in the game, they have a place in the plot now.
Character: Gold fish Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Hasn't changed at all. Description: This animal seems to be the only native in the strange enchanted realm with the quartz tower. If you let him live after catching him, he'll be willing to get you off the small beach you're stuck on. If you let him die, you'd be stuck in the original game. Not in the remake, fortunately. He's one of the few characters whose role wasn't changed at all.
Character: Graham Present in original: yes (duh) Present in RTS: yes (can't have a game without a main character) Role: What's there to say? He's still the main hero. He got one hell of a lot more dialogue. Description: Since there are much more dialogues in the remake, Graham is also fleshed out in some way. He's no longer the mute hero he was in the original and at least he can swim without you needing to tell him to do so. The tests in the clouds shed some light on events in Graham's past and future.
Character: Hagatha Present in original: yes (but not as present as she should have been) Present in RTS: yes Role: Altered? Nope. Expanded? Yes, yes and yes. Description: In the background story of the original version, Hagatha was mentioned as the one who imprisoned Valanice in the quartz tower in the enchanted realm. In the game itself however, Hagatha hardly played a role at all and it was possible to beat the game without meeting her even once. Hagatha appeared in certain places as a random monster, killing Graham if she could catch him. Also, if the player chose to get the nightingale, she was in her cave sometimes (but not always and getting the bird was a breeze in such cases). In “Romancing the Stones”, Hagatha is much more sophisticated.
Character: Lavidia, Possum's grandmother Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Changed and expanded significantly. Description: Puzzle-wise, grandmother still plays the same role in the game as she did many years ago. She's still ill, ailing and in need of some hot soup to help her get some strength back. Story-wise however, she plays a completely different role. Those who always wondered how that cloak and ring ended up under her bed will find their question answered at last.
Character: Librarian Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: This woman is another new addition to the world of King’s Quest II. She's a grumpy, snobby old woman whose way of thinking exceeds the term narrow-minded. Following all the petty rules to the letter, this person can be a major pain for any would-be member who tries to get access to the wealth of information stored in Kolyma's library.
Character: Lion Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Somewhat different although you may never notice it. Description: This is the last obstacle between yourself and Valanice in both games. The creature itself isn't evil, but very, very hungry. It's best to stay away from this huge beast until you find SOME way to deal with him. Where did Hagatha obtain a lion from anyway?
Character: Little Red Riding Hood / Possum Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Altered and expanded significantly. Description: The girl with the red cloak already made an appearance in the original. She gave Graham some flowers in return for her lost basket (which happened to be in the mailbox of the person she was going to give it to). In the remake, her role in the story is a lot bigger and you'll get to learn a bit about her background and why she's living with her grandmother now. To those who wonder why the King’s Quest II remake didn't simply call her Little Red Riding Hood; the writer wanted to include fairy tales into the story, but didn't want to throw them into the player's face. The other reason is mentioned in the Easter egg list below. Note that Possum is merely the nickname her grandmother calls her. You'll find out her real name somewhere during the game.
Character: Llowh'wof, the monk Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Altered and expanded significantly. Description: The monk's role appears similar to the one in the original at first. He's praying in the chapel and if you can get his attention, he'll give you a crucifix. At the end of the original King’s Quest II, he hosted the wedding ceremony and proclaimed Graham and Valanice husband and wife. Despite what is suggested at first, the role of the head monk of Kolyma's church is very different from the original.
Character: Merchant Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: The merchant, like many other aspects in the game, is completely new to King’s Quest II. This person is the living representation of the stereotypical con artist. Talks with a fake accent, accidentally drops it at some point, sells junk he calls valuable, charges too much for his items and doesn't obtain all his items in a legitimate way.
Character: Mermaid Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Hasn't changed at all. Description: The mermaid's role is still exactly the same as the one she got in the original. She appears on a rock near the sea after you found out your destiny and she'll summon a seahorse for you to ride if you can win her trust with a gift. She still won't talk to you. The only difference is that she no longer likes flowers.
Character: Neptune Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Not changed, but expanded. Description: King Neptune is still the same one he was in the original King’s Quest II; the ruler of the ocean who lost his trident. In King’s Quest II, he merely got a little bit careless and his trident could be found on Kolyma's beach. In the remake, his trident won't be that easy to find. One nice improvement on the original is the fact that Neptune can talk now. (He uses magic bubbles to communicate with you) In the original, he gave you a bottled cloth and the first key if you helped him. In the remake, he'll reward you with the Birth Gem of Water, some info about the location of the other stones and a party. What a guy. He hasn't really changed that much, but he has dialogue and some spiffy character graphics now.
Character: Pumpkin family Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: The pumpkin family is yet another set of characters not available in the original. The mother of the pumpkins is supposed to be guarding certain items of value for Hagatha, but she doesn't take her duty very seriously. Meeting with the inhabitants of the pumpkin patch is optional, but if you take the time to help out the mother, you'll find out that pumpkins believe in “what comes around, goes around” as well.
Character: Sharkee King Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: The Sharkee people are completely new to the world of King's Quest, so needless to say that this face is not familiar (and not too good looking either). The king of the Sharkees is a fierce and cruel person, but his ability to solve riddles could use some improvement. He's the typical warlord with a taste for blood and more brawn than brains.
Character: Swans and duckling Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: Besides expanding existing things, the King’s Quest II remake’s plot writer also put in lots of new stuff and he even got around to adding a new fairy tale to the game. The ugly duckling and the swans didn't appear in the original. They're more a bit of a required side-quest than a real part of the story.
Character: Valanice Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Not really altered, but definitely improved and expanded. Description: “Vanilla Ice” (the team's nickname for Valanice) still plays the role of the damsel in distress and her role isn't really altered in the remake except for the fact that she's no longer “afraid to go down those horrible stairs” (a remark in the original that many players saw as ridiculous, and rightfully so). Despite the fact that her role in the story wasn't truly altered, she's still definitely an improvement charisma-wise. At least people will no longer wonder what the heck Graham saw in her. She’s now worth saving, no doubt.
Character: Winged steed Present in original: yes Present in RTS: yes Role: Not altered, but expanded ever so slightly. Description: The winged horse (Pegasus?) was definitely in the original King’s Quest II, but unless you solved a certain puzzle in a very illogical way, you'd probably miss him. In the remake, he's no longer optional (and that's a good thing as he gives you a useful item) and he'll be the key to obtaining the second gem of nature. He's a servant of the Cloud spirit and cannot be commanded by any mortal being.
Character: ????? Present in original: no Present in RTS: yes Role: Didn't appear in the original. Description: There are only three things known about this mysterious creature. It's found in a haystack, it has hay fever and it's been there for about 3 to 4 weeks. Nobody knows what it is and what it's doing in that haystack (that includes the creature itself). Once again, lending a helping hand reaps rewards, but you'll never find out what the creature looks like.